Monday, June 15, 2009

Candles for Camp! Candles now available and on sale!

Hi all,

My kids are earning money through selling Home Interior candles so they can earn their way to camp, and boy are they awesome candles! I bought one and they really smell fantastic! Please visit my Ebay page to order!

If you do not have an Ebay account, you can sign up for free, or you can send $9.00 plus 4.50 shipping (total 13.50) to PayPal address

Please specify which scent you want before you send the money!!!

100% of the proceeds of this ad will go directly to our Youth group for children who want to go to summer camp at Silver State Camp in Colorado.

Candles are 2 3/4 x 2 3/4 x 4" H; 7.5 oz. Candles have a lead free wick.

Approximate burn time is 48 hours, (although I personally own some of these candles, and the average burn tends to be longer.

**Tip-As long as you keep the wick trimmed to 1/4 inch you get the best burn time.)

The scent on these candles is AMAZING!!!

I have the following scents available TODAY:

-Banana Cream Pie (1 left!)

-Apple Nut Muffin- (5 left!)

-Raisin Bread- (1 left!)

-Spiced Orange- (4 left!)

-Strawberries in Chocolate (1 left!)

I will also be getting in a new shipment of NEW scents very shortly. Email me if you have a specific needs.

Here are some Ideas on where candles would be appropriate:

Female gifts
Gift baskets

Open and use unlit in tight spaces like a car for a quick way to freshen the air

NOTE***If you do not email me before purchasing, you will receive a randomly chosen candle. No returns on random candle selections.

****************SHIPPING INFO*******************

Shipped by USPS Mail to confirmed address only.

I do not ship outside the lower 48 States, Sorry.

Payment by PayPal only . We will ship your order out same day if order is placed before 1pm CST Monday through Friday. Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery.

Candle must be paid for immediately upon ordering.If you need a few days, simply email me and we can work something out.

Thanks so much!!!!!

****************SHIPPING INFO*******************

Shipped by USPS Mail to confirmed address


I do not ship outside the lower 48 States, Sorry.

Payment by PayPal only . Allow 7 - 10 days for delivery. We ship the SAME DAY if order is received by 1pm CST.

Candle must be paid for within 24 hours of ordering.

Thank you and God Bless!

A few things to remind you all about!

Hi all,

Just a few announcements to remind my reader of:
1st Pictures, Images and Photos

Home Interior Candles are still on sale for $9.00 plus 4.25 shipping. We have several scents to choose from, just let me know what you want.

next Pictures, Images and Photos

It seems as if babies are popping up all over the place.
In light of this, I am going to start making my diaper cakes again. This is an example of a boy's cake. I can customize to any theme you want, boys, girls, small cake, or large. Inside the diapers, mom will find some "surprises" that she will be sure to love.
For more details, please email me.

Also, if you are needing some quick cash, don't forget about Cashle! Payouts as low as $1.00 to PayPal, and in your account within 24 hours! Sign up bonus available!

Have a great week all!sunflower (mariz) Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hi all,

I found a wonderful explanation of why a certain Pastor is a Baptist. I am going to let this preacher speak for me as well. I can't say it any better!

Why I Am a Baptist

~ By Pastor Dan Ferrell (

I believe that Christians should stop fussing and fighting and unite in one body, one church, and one faith!

"But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against." Acts 28:22.

Have you ever heard the following?... "I just do not believe in denominations, church names, or titles, I am a Christian and I can worship anywhere!" or "I’m a member of the true body of Christ, I don’t believe in organized religion!" or "It doesn’t matter what church you go to as long as you love Jesus and worship God." The various churches in America today are becoming like a hot fudge, strawberry and butterscotch sundae that has been out in the sun too long. This "I’m okay-you’re okay, let’s agree, not worry about doctrine religion today has never done anything for Jesus Christ and never will!

I am a Baptist. If my reasons for being a Baptist are valid–then every child of God should be a Baptist.

Jesus said, "Upon this rock will I build my church." If the Lord’s kind of church is in existence today, where is it?! I want to be a member of the church that is built upon the Rock! I am a Baptist because of the witness of history. John Clark Redpath (1840-1900, Methodist) wrote "I should not really admit that there was a Baptist church as far back as 100 AD, although without a doubt there were Baptist churches then, as all Christians were then Baptist." Robert Barclay (Quaker) "There are also reasons for believing on the continent of Europe, small hidden Christians societies, who have held many of the opinions of the Ana-baptists, have existed from the time of the apostles." (Inner Life of Societies of Commonwealth, pp. 11,12) Alexander Campbell (Disciples of Christ) "From the apostolic age to the present time, the sentiments of Baptists have had a continued chain of advocates, and public monuments of their existence in every century can be produced" (From a debate with McCalla, pp. 378,379).

Whether from our enemies, honest historians or ancient Baptist writings, the historical records and evidence is over whelming–in spite of Roman Catholic confiscation and persecution. Whether you call them Novations, Donatists, Paulicans, Vandois, Waldenses, Lollards, Heretics, Schismatics, Anabaptist, or just plain Baptists, we are the same people. We may be different in detail, but we are equal in essence.

In 1819, the King of Holland appointed Dr. Ypeij, Professor of Theology in the University of Groningen and Rev. J.J. Dermot, Chaplain to the King, both learned men and members of the Dutch Reformed Church, to prepare a history of their church. Here is what they revealed in their authentic volume, published at Breda. "We have now seen that the Baptists, who were formerly called Anabaptists, and in later times, Mennonites, were the original Waldenses, and who, long in the history of the church, received the honor of that origin. On this account the Baptists may be considered as the only Christian community which has stood since the apostles, and, as a Christian society, has preserved pure the doctrine of the gospel through all ages. The perfectly correct, external and internal economy of the Baptist denomination tends to confirm the truth disputed by the Romish Church, that the Reformation, brought about in the sixteenth century, was in the highest degree necessary; and, at the same time, goes to refute the erroneous notion of the Catholics, that their communion is the most ancient." (My Church by J.B. Moody, pp. 311).

Next and most important is the Witness of Scripture. Jesus said in Matt. 16:18 "...and upon this rock (petra), I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The N.T. Church has never ceased to be, nor does it need to be reformed! Again our Lord said to His churches and to every church to follow "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them... Teaching them to observe all things... and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" Matt. 28:19,20.

Either the Jerusalem church must be still going strong–or the Lord’s kind of churches are still carrying out the Great Commission until the trumpet blast! I Cor. 11:24-26 " do shew the Lord’s death till He come." A church ordinance needs a church to observe it till Jesus comes back. Eph. 3:21, "Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end, Amen." The church that is in context here is not a universal invisible Body of Christ, rather a visible ecclesia. Our Lord began an assembled, visible church, purchased her with His blood, and espoused Himself to her saying– "I go to prepare a place for you...I will come again, and receive you unto myself."

Our Lord will to make the mistake of thinking He is espoused to a visible New Testament Rachael, and behold on resurrection morning, He is actually married to a universal invisible Leah!

There is only one true church, one true baptism, and one true Body of Christ. Eph. 4:4,5. Therefore as a Baptist, I will earnestly contend for the faith (which was not restored or imparted again during the Reformation) which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 3.

I am a Baptist because of the Bible Doctrines. Triune God, authority of scriptures, doctrines of grace, diety of Christ, correct ordinances, missions and evangelism, pre-millennialism, holy living, democratic church government, separation of church and state and many more. If a person rattles a chain on one end, and it moves on the other end–it must be linked in between!

I am a Baptist because of the witness of others. Every church started by a man apart from the authority of the Lord’s kind of church, has degenerated into worse heresy. All Protestant churches (including Campbellites, Quakers, and Methodist) are direct or indirect daughters of the immoral Roman church. Cults and modern religious societies have about as much authority to rival the N.T. Church as does an Elvis Presley Fan Club! I belong to a church that is over 1900 years old, arrayed with all of the apostles’ doctrines, esteems Christ as her head, and repudiates the Roman Catholic organization as an imposter and a religious whore! The Lord did not address a letter to the Body of Christ in Asia Minor, rather, seven letters to the seven churches!

I am a Baptist because of the divine witness. Jesus Christ walked sixty miles to be baptized by John the Baptist (not John the immerser) Matt. 3:13-17, the apostles were all baptized by John the Baptist, Jn. 1:35, 4:1, Acts 1:22, and the Lord said that John had the authority from Heaven to baptize, Matt. 21:24-27.

You do not have to be a Baptist to go to heaven, nor to be used of God.

I love Christians of various manmade churches, and I abhor a self-righteous attitude, especially in Baptists. Yet I am not ashamed to be known as an Ana-baptist–and I will not abandon my biblical heritage or principals in order to promote unity in the Family of God!

Yes, I believe and wish that all true Christians would come together into one church. If narrow minded Christians would just accept Bible truth, have a teachable spirit, and submit to scriptural Baptist baptism–we could have unity in the Family of God!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Slain Abortion Provider's Clinic Closes

Hi all,
Just wanted to report some significant news about the Abortion clinic that Dr. Tiller

WICHITA, Kan. (June 9) - The family of slain abortion provider George Tiller said Tuesday that his Wichita clinic will be "permanently closed," effective immediately.
In a statement released by Tiller's attorneys, his family said it is ceasing operation of Women's Health Care Services Inc. and any involvement by family members in any other similar clinic.

I feel so bad for the family who lost a loved one, and I totally condemn the man who opened fire on this doctor, but I praise the Lord that this clinic of horrors is GONE!

No more babies will be snuffed out...No more silent cries of children that may have been...


Sunday, May 31, 2009

A man running the entire world...WAKE UP TIME!

HourGlass Pictures, Images and Photos

Has anyone else felt this sense of overwhelming urgency to get our " affairs in order" since Obama came to the presidency? If not you need to wake up and smell the prophesy.

Awni Shatarat, a Jordanian store keeper commented on Obama's trip to Egypt and the Middle East in general, said, "It's so exciting to have a black man run the entire world,"

Running the entire world? Makes you think, huh?

Now, before I get emails about "my accusations" let me make one thing perfectly clear: I am not naming Obama as the antichrist, nor is it my intention to name anyone else. I mean, hey, I don't even care who the antichrist is, because I won't be around to see him. I will be too busy worshipping and praising the TRUE CHRIST! I am merely saying that we need to wake up to what is going on in the world around us and get those who are lost ready, because folks, time is running out FAST! I believe we are down to the final grains of sand in the hourglass of human history, and if you don't believe me, ask me and I will show you why I believe this. You don't need to necessarily be a Bible expert, I mean crud, you can read the secular news and see what I am talking about, and if you don't, please make this checklist. I like to call it the spiritual health exam:

Is my walk right with God?
Am I reading my Bible?
How is my prayer life?
Am I looking for His return?
Am I a faithful witness to Christ?

If you are doing these things, you should understanding the message in this post. If not, repent and get right. We are losing our next generation to the world's order, the world's philosophy, and the world's confusion.

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. John 9:4

man bible Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are US prisons tough enough for Gitmo Detainees? Let me prove to you that this answer is a big fat NO!

Guantanamo Bay Pictures, Images and PhotosAnd This is Who You Are Voting For? Pictures, Images and Photos

I love when proving my point comes so easy and at the hands of the secular media. Two different stories break near the same point of time (within the last 2 days) and yet have one focal point; What to do with the Gitmo detainees!

Obama says our US prisons are "tough enough" for those detainees responsible wither directly or indirectly for killing 2,749 people and injured countless others proceeding the attacks, and yet in another article, Federal investigators arrest three New York black men who were converted to Islam IN PRISON and one who was part of a re-enter program for prisoners re-entering society decided to attempt a "Jihad" on Riverdale Jewish places of interest including a Temple. According to Jim Fitzgerald, an Associated Press Writer, the four men, James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen, claimed to have met where else?; our prison system! All have prior offenses and served time in prison before.

Even scarier, All are US citizens, and one is of Haitian origins.

What is wrong with this picture?

Prison system is tough enough Obama?

Our prisons are turning out home grown terrorists now? How come? What will happen if we let those from Gitmo Bay come onto US soil into our prisons? Either one of three things will occur: 1.)Other prisoners will kill them, 2.)our US prisoners will be threatened, or 3.)conversions by masses to Islam extremism will occur due to the influence of Gitmo Bay and hateful attitudes already in the hearts of those in the prison system.

Anger begins with one person. One thought and it spreads like a ripple on the water.Paul writes in Ephesians 4 that we must turn from this anger, not to forget it, but to turn from it because it will cause us to act on the anger in a sinful way.

Ephesians 4:26,27
26Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

27Neither give place to the devil.

Have a blessed week Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Need $100? Read on

Direct TV logo Pictures, Images and Photos

Direct TV is offering any new customer a sweet deal: a $100.00 credit for just signing up! Call 1-800-507-4045. They will ask for the account number who referred you. In order to get the 100.00, you must give them this number--19168239

The best part is, once you sign up, you can start referring your friends and continue getting moula credited on your account? Can you say free Satellite TV?

CALL TODAY! This expires soon! 1-800-507-4045

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Being Neighborly in Your Neighborhood

A treat from my neighbor

I am a little bias when I say, I have the best neighbors in the world! In my little town of Kiowa, Kansas, among all the people God could have had us live near, he placed us in front of some of the best.

Today, while reading my Bible, I receive a knock on the door. It's Joy, our preacher's daughter with an orange smoothie. With a big smile on her face, she says "Mom and I thought you would like this." I take a big old drink in front of her and told her I sure needed this today. It was the tastiest smoothie I ever had.

What does it mean to be "Neighborly?" To some, it means not interfering in the lives of those who they live next to; to not get involved with them in any way. To others, it means being there when the times get tough, and being an encouragement. To me, it's the last example. It means showing God's love for one another by being a blessing, even when you think it will not be a big deal, to the one you are being neighborly to, it may mean a breakthrough!

If we are to be good neighbors in our neighborhood, we must be neighborly. We must be good citizens, and spiritually straight.

Jesus taught a parable of a man traveling down into the valley and beaten severely by thieves. Many people passed his beaten body that were of his own heritage, but they passed him by nevertheless. Then, a Samaritan man came upon him, took him to the inn, dressed his wounds, and cared for his afflictions. The man beaten was a Jew, not Samaritan, yet, the Samaritan man showed compassion. He said to the inn keeper, whatever this man requires, do it to him, and when I pass this way again, I will give it to you. Which of these men were his true neighbor?

Today, I have received a great revelation: Although I am neighborly to my preacher and his family, I need to be more neighborly to those around me who are not a part of our Christian community. Christians have a duty to show love not only within the church but also within the neighborhood.
I am going to be fervently praying about what God wants me to do to be more neighborly to those around me. Perhaps it is just introducing myself and getting to know them; maybe it is just sending them a note through the mail. Whatever it may be, I know God will be in it.

By the way, neighbor does not always imply those who live next to you...It could be someone who you know that needs to see God's love. I encourage you today to be a neighbor to someone.

Love thy neighbor Pictures, Images and Photos

Leviticus 19:18: "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easily Offended Christians


I received a newsletter from Peter Youngren, an evangelist that hits it dead on this time. Now, I can't say I agree with Peter on every theological or doctrinal standpoint, but in this newsletter, he makes a great point on offended Christians. Read on.

Easily Offended Christians

There are a lot of offended Christians these days. Some of the things which seem to cause outrage and offense are; profanity on television, open display of homosexuality in movies and on television, humor that degrades Christian values. Well, that’s just for starters. When Christians express outrage, shock and offense, it is as if that expression in itself is a badge of spirituality. “Look at me; how shocked I am at the sin and worldliness around me. Shouldn’t you react in a similar way? Aren’t you equally shocked? Well, maybe your spiritual sensitivities aren’t as fine-tuned as mine”.

There is only one problem with all of this. Can you think of a single time in scripture when Jesus was offended by the sins of unbelievers? The only time you could find something akin to offense in Jesus was when he spoke forthrightly to the self-righteous, hypocritical religious leaders. In fact, Jesus forewarned us that if we are persecuted for our beliefs we should not be surprised or offended. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”, (John 16:33).

Here is the catch. If we are easily offended or shocked, we become either isolationists or attackers of the very society, which we are supposed to reach. Isolationists live in a cloistered environment with little or no influence on those on the outside. Attackers are resisted, much like we would react on a lovely summer night when hornets start buzzing around our picnic table. We find no example in scripture that Philip was offended at the witchcraft in Samaria. What about Paul’s reaction in godless, sinful, Corinth or idolatrous Athens? In neither instance do we find offense or rebuke of pagan behavior, but rather a focused pointing towards Jesus Christ as the only hope.

Everyone of the individuals who carry out what you and I may deem as offensive acts, are included in the reconciliation that Jesus provided by His death on the cross. Easter reminds us that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. The message of the Cross is the only power able to transform human behavior. Let’s not be shocked by the world around us, but let’s look for opportunities to get to know people, to share their lives and to tell them what Jesus has done for us. Happy Easter!


I believe the key to winning the lost is not pointing a self-righteous finger at them, but lovingly pointing them to the one who loves them more than anyone could ever imagine.

Jesus Christ went to the house of the sinners and ate with them. He showed undying compassion for their spiritual destiny without brow beating their sin.

Oh, I am not saying Jesus did not name sin, we see evidence to the contrary when he overthrew the tables in the Temple, but his wrath was toward those in control of the Temple who were not teaching the people right. No wonder the Jews were not doing right...

Let's not be offended. Living righteously is not living higher than others, but lowly and humbly, always looking for ways to help others without Jesus Christ. We will reach them not by crucifying words but by crucifying our self righteousness attitudes.

He's Alive and so are we!

This Resurrection Sunday let us resurrect with him and be revived as a church!

If you are not a child of God but would like to be, Don't wait! Get it taken care of TODAY! Contact me by email on this blog, and I will be happy to call or email you on how you can know for sure you have a home in Heaven. Jesus Loves you! He died for YOU. He rose again for YOU. God Bless

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A prayer that should be said in every Senate meeting...

Hi all,

I was reading our Newsgram, the local news paper and I came across a prayer written by Joe Wright that was written and prayed in a Kansas State House of Representatives on January 23, 1996. Wright was the guest Chaplain for that day.

This is the prayer that was prayed:

"Heavenly Father,

We come before You today to ask Your Forgiveness and seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, ''Woe to those who call evil good,'' but that's exactly what we have done.

We have lost our Spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.

We confess that; we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism;

We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism;

We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle;

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery;

We have neglected the needy and called it self preservation;

We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;

We have killed our unborn and called it choice;

We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable;

We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem;

We have abused power and called it political savvy;

We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition;

We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression;

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; try us and see if there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of this state and who have been ordained by You, to govern this great state of Kansas. Grant them your wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your Will.

I ask in in the name of your Son, The Living Savior, Jesus Christ"

Folks, we need boldness and conviction prayed in our homes for each of our state governments. We need to pray with conviction this prayer for our president as well. Imagine what God's people can do if we just pray until something happens....We can complain all we want but if we do not believe in prayer for change, nothing will change. I challenge you to prayer for 1 month over our government. I will do the same.

Feel free to forward this post to everyone you know.. Let's pray together for REAL CHANGE....IN GOD, I CAN believe it!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Barack and the Tonight Show...My thoughts...


Ok, So, where do I start...

I was prepared to just rail on President Obama and how his mouth spewed ignorance once again on the Tonight Show with jay Leno Last night. Man, was I going to let him have it!

I did not personally watch the live version, but I did watch clips of the show that aired last night, and it is no surprise to me what he said...

However, I will not be re-telling the details...


Because of Hebrews 12:14 and 15

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

15Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled"


Proverbs 14:7.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."

I seen myself become bitter as I was typing some rather harsh words, but as I was looking for scripture to back up my position against him, God showed me those verses and it affected my thinking. He doesn't want me to be bitter against men who talk foolishly, plus, what good will it do for me to rail on our president? It isn't as if he would see my blog anyway. all the railing does is plant bitterness.

Also, I had to come to grips with the fact that I am not praying for Obama as much as I should be. Are any of us that oppose his ways? I think before I rebuke him, I should be praying for him.

Let me ask you a question. Do you have bitterness? Do you hold onto past hurt and present resentment? If so, it's time to root it out. Determine to give it up in Jesus' name. Ask him for forgiveness and to change your heart. I did, and I feel better.

forgiveness Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, March 12, 2009

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Finding encouragement in discouraging times...

The news keeps getting worse and worse doesn't it? The Kansas news opens up with a college woman who will re-open a bar and she had no problem stating her reasons; People drink for two reasons: They either drink because they are depressed or they drink because they are happy. Either way, she is going to cash in on it.

The next thing I hear, less people are considering themselves "Christian." Churches are turning to changing their churches into cafes in order to woo people "back to God." The "Ala Carte' " Religion is what people choose to avoid conflicts in social and political arenas.

And the icing on the cake, Barack Obama signed into law that embryonic stem cells can now be used to shoot him into super stardom and many parentless children that never will be will never see the light of day will now lose the right to life...

I just want to yell out WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????!!!

But in light of this news, there is hope and a great work to do...

In light of the "news" this is not new. If you read the Old testament of the Bible, People intoxicated themselves freely, gave into wickedness, forsook the law of God, and sacrificed their babies to Baal... No different than today...

The good news is that Jesus is coming back for those saved by His work of the Cross, and so many signs tell us that it is soon! We should not be depressed that things are getting the way they are, We should not "faint" or be weary in well-doing, but it should motivate us to take more souls with us when He does come again...

Jesus says in
Matthew 24:10-13 that right before His return in: "And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

CBS news tonight that non-denominational churches are on the rise, and our newest adult generation is the least religious group in the world...

Jesus is coming folks... We don't know when, but I have never seen so many signs...Have you?

We need to reach people for Christ, the time is yesterday, for we may not have tomorrow....Ponder on that for a while.....

I encourage every Bible believing born again Christian to read 1 and 2 Timothy today and look at the parallels between today's world and what is predicted before the rapture...

Mark 16:15

15And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Not sure of what I am talking about? Are you 100% sure you will go to Heaven when you die? Need answers? Click here

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Faith cometh By Hearing...

Hi all,

It's late here now, and with the spring forward, I am especially tired now so I will make this short. but I couldn't wait to get this blogged until tomorrow.

I was searching for a website I recently was on that has a free online audio Bible. In my search for that website, I came across another: Faith Cometh By Hearing. This website has over 200 languages (even those in remote areas of the world) in audio format. Not only that, you can download the bible in your choice of languages.

Now, I am sure some of you are thinking, why would anyone want the Bible in a language other than your own? Well, if you think about it with a missionary's mindset, it isn't difficult to figure out. Whether you are being led to the mission field, or have someone living near you that speaks another language, this can help you overcome the language barrier and win others to Christ. I recommend the King James Version with dramatic reading. The music in the background and the different voices playing out the parts of the scriptures, it really brings it to life, and the Bible is God's living word Amen?

Note* As for now, the only the New Testament is available.

Here is the link:
Faith Cometh By Hearing

I am so excited that I found this website! Internet connections are everywhere, even in villages in remote places. I have chatted with some in villages that have one public computer. Imagine what the Bible can do in these areas. Go here and see how this Bible is reaching the remote. If your heart isn't pricked when you hear these testimonies, you need to check your pulse.

Good night and God Bless...
Cathy & Proclaimer Pictures, Images and Photos
Missionary showing locals a proclaimer in their language.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Send a free e-card and feed a child (Share our Strength)

daisychain Pictures, Images and Photos

Good morning all,

I came across a great website that allows you to send free e-cards and at the same time, donate $1 to Share our Strength, a national organization working to end childhood hunger in the U.S.

Share our Strength and Ferrero Chocolates

By sending a Ferrero Sweet Message to your friends and family members, not only are you letting them know you are thinking about them, but Ferrero also will make a donation on your behalf to Share Our Strength. They promise to donate up to $10,000 to Share our Strength.

Here is the link

Have a great day!
daisychain Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hershey company announced more jobs moving to Mexico-My thoughts...

Hershey Bar Pictures, Images and Photos
“If the-wrong people or organization get control, they can spend or give away more money in a short time than I have made in my life, to build monuments unto themselves, for their own financial gains, ego and recognition-- whose heads would swell and hearts would shrink, who would give to those who had plenty and take away from those who had little or none”
- Milton Hershey

They said it would happen eventually...Rumors on the internet have been flying since 2007, and now, it is finally coming to fruition, and it is starting with the York Peppermint Patty plant in Reading Pennsylvania. nearly 300 jobs will go to Monterey, Mexico.
According to WNEP, a local news station of Pennsylvania "...the chocolate maker is closing the plant Friday and moving production to a new factory" over the border.
I find this very disheartening. I see the main plant in Hershey leaving next. With labor cheaper in Mexico and other places across the globe, companies are taking the coward's way out as far as I am concerned and not seeking God to give them their next move. Sad...One of my fondest memories as a child was of the smell of chocolate cooking near the Hershey Stadium on cold November nights while our marching band waited to make our appearance on the field to compete in the Hershey Championships. The smell was comforting to my body as the high school band focused on putting on a great show. We would be nervous, but the chocolate looming in the air was enough to settle us down and relax us.

We must not only be concerned about the jobs that Pennsylvania is losing, but also the standards of food quality as well. It is no big secret that water is a prime component in the melting process and used to clean the equipment. it is also no big secret that bacterium and parasites exist in Mexican water otherwise referred to as "Montezuma's revenge." Furthermore, these parasites and bacterium may not only be contracted in Mexico, but all of Latin America and other developing countries of the world.

I am almost scared to think that there will have to be a warning on the labels of the risk of eating a Hershey bar in the near future...
Is anything pure in this world anymore? question mark Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cash to quit?

Cigarette Pictures, Images and Photos

As we traveled to church last night, our radio was turned on WKREJ, a local Christian radio station. The news reporter talked about a research study done with the cooperation of General Electric employees to help smoking employees quit their dirty habit. The researchers found that money is a great incentive...Big surprise? Not to me.

The researchers found that people were three times more likely to quit smoking within 24 weeks when they were paid up to $750.

Now, the common person would probably say "This is a great idea!" but I do not.This is another ploy to substitute money for the cause of Christ. Please, those of you who like the idea of being paid to quit; Why isn't it enough to know that tobacco use is a major cause of heart attack, stroke and peripheral arterial disease? and to those who are bought with the blood of Jesus- Why isn't it enough that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit? One more question- What happens if these "guinea pigs" return to their nasty habit? Do they get another $750.00 to quit again?

What then???

Jesus and His cause should be the uttermost motivation to quit, and I thank God everyday that he took the cigarette away from me. I didn't need money to motivate me, I had the Holy Spirit's conviction-Enough said.

I praise God everyday that I am free from the bondage of cigarettes! I am victorious Amen and Amen!

I have now been smoke free for 1 year and 5 months. I never plan on smoking again, and by God's grace, I will never touch a cigarette again.

UPDATE 1/12/11: I have been free from cigarettes now 3 years and 3 months and I give God ALL THE PRAISE!!!!

1 Corinthians 3:16-18
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

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