Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our new house!

Hello all,

A lot of you have been asking for updates on our move. Well, we are finally settled in, and here is an update: We moved in officially Early Monday morning July 28th at 12:30 am. I learned a few very important lessons during this time:

LESSON ONE-If you are GOD'S child, GOD moves you where he wants you regardless of how hard you try to go your own way.

Josh and I so much wanted to move to Pennsylvania, but like any loving father, he steers in the direction HE wants you to go. We came up in front of brick wall after brick wall, and we finally gave up. I remember one night, I just looked up and said "God, I quit, you lead..." I repeated this for about 10 minutes. I really thought Pennsylvania was GOD'S will for our family--I would be closer to my family, the countryside is beautiful, and it would give Josh and my kids a fresh outlook on how a family is supposed to function.

GOD showed we this week that we are meant to be where we are in a mighty way. We have been searching for a new church to attend since we are 150 miles from the last church. Well, a few days ago, our neighbor comes over and asks if m if he could trim the brush around our house. Now picture this, he has his hip boots on and a weed whacker in hand with a straw sun hat. I said Thank you and sure! He began trimming around the house and when he was done, Josh and I greeted him with a tall glass of Iced sweet tea, which he gladly accepted. Now, I knew he was a preacher, but I didn't know where he stood, and what his faith statement was. As he sipped his drink Josh, Preacher Matt and I chatted. I asked him if the sweet tea was sweet enough, and he said it's fine, Preacher Matt said you sound like you are from Tennessee. I said , no, but I have been there a few times for a Bible camp called Bill Rice Ranch. He became pale white in amazement and said "I used to work there! That's where I met my wife!" I said "Have you ever met the Umsteads?" He again, turned white and said "YES, I KNOW THEM VERY WELL!" I told them that the Umsteads use to attend Victory Baptist church in its early days and were the Junior church leaders when I was a little girl.

Anyway, long story short, we come to find out "Preacher Matt" who lives right across the street, is a KJV preaching, fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist church preacher!~ HALLELUJAH! We are going tomorrow to check the church out! Preacher Matt also said he now has enough people to run the bus his church owns...Can you believe that? Because we moved here, their bus ministry may now have a better chance of taking off! Tell me this isn't God's will...

LESSON TWO: Satan will attack you at your most joyous!

Last night, my best friend Angie and i were talking via Live messenger, and i was telling her all about the good things that are happening with us. She seemed very happy for us, and we even spoke on the phone while we chatted on the computer. Because of a mis-communication, Angela who has been my friend for nearly 28 years, flipped what seems like an mental switch and started typing some horrible, hateful words to me. Was it jealousy? Was it something I said? Who knows, because after she typed out her hate, she went offline and would not answer the phone.


The switch flipped like a light...Satan somehow took a little joke and literally destroyed a friendship. Satan knows how happy I have been, and he caught me by surprise that's for sure! I was hurt and my mind raced last night a lot, and I said "GOD, you need to quiet my mind so I can rest." He gave me Proverbs 18:24-"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." That friend is Jesus! I meditated on that verse and closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

It is also noteworthy to mention Proverbs 18:7 as well, which GOD just gave me -"A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul."o please, keep Angela in your prayers. I probably will not be close to her ever again, but I do forgive her. I will never share my heart with her again, but I have Josh, and other Godly friends GOD has put in my midst that will be there for me.

ANYWAY, on to the pics of the house!

The front....

This is a side view of the house.

The kitchen...

This is one angle of the family room...

Lauren in her new room

I will add more later.

Take care!

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