Tuesday, May 27, 2008

GPT site updates

Wow, it's been a while since I blogged here, but some sad news to report.

First, two sites I raved about have been suspended. BeachBums and Mycashsafari. I have not been doing GPT sites lately so I do not know when it actually happened, but today I found out. These sites were AWESOME, and I am sorry to see them go. I still wonder why they were suspended....

Second, RainingRiches is closing down as of May 31st. Becki said that all payments will be paid out by June 20th as long as the $20.00 minimum payout is submitted by midnight, May 31st. Another good site going down...

MycashHoney is still going strong, as is FTT, Froggyfunds, and Squishycash. These are the sites I have liked the best anyway!

If you are interested in any of these GPT sites, be sure to sign up and get to doing those simple offers.


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