Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blessed to have Brownback!

Brownback: "We collectively repent of distancing ourselves from God and ask for His mercy on us..."

 What a statement to be made in such a time as this. 

Recently, Governor Brownback was ridiculed (to say the least) for his stand on God and faith. The News report begins,  "A secular group tore into Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback over the weekend for promoting a national faith rally, saying the Republican governor needs to "repent" for allegedly violating the separation of church and state." 

Kansans, we are blessed to have a governor who recognizes the importance of God in government. Whether you are a resident of Kansas or not, I am asking that all my friends send a short note to Gov. Brownback today to support him in the proclamation he made over the weekend. The link you can write to him on is: http://governor.ks.gov/serving-kansans/constituent-services/legislation-and-policy-issues. Let's just shower him with support because I am sure he is getting a lot of emails and calls that aren't supportive. 

(Read the full story here)

A sample of the letter I wrote is below. Feel free to use it as you would like.
Dear Governor Brownback,

I wanted to offer my sincerest thanks for your stand on Faith in our great state of Kansas! In a time when other leaders are falling by the wayside in compromise, it is reassuring to know that our governor cares about faith based issues! You have my full support. If there is anything I can do to support you, please do not hesitate to ask. You are prayed for daily! Stay strong. We need you!

God's blessing on you! 

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