Monday, June 15, 2009

Candles for Camp! Candles now available and on sale!

Hi all,

My kids are earning money through selling Home Interior candles so they can earn their way to camp, and boy are they awesome candles! I bought one and they really smell fantastic! Please visit my Ebay page to order!

If you do not have an Ebay account, you can sign up for free, or you can send $9.00 plus 4.50 shipping (total 13.50) to PayPal address

Please specify which scent you want before you send the money!!!

100% of the proceeds of this ad will go directly to our Youth group for children who want to go to summer camp at Silver State Camp in Colorado.

Candles are 2 3/4 x 2 3/4 x 4" H; 7.5 oz. Candles have a lead free wick.

Approximate burn time is 48 hours, (although I personally own some of these candles, and the average burn tends to be longer.

**Tip-As long as you keep the wick trimmed to 1/4 inch you get the best burn time.)

The scent on these candles is AMAZING!!!

I have the following scents available TODAY:

-Banana Cream Pie (1 left!)

-Apple Nut Muffin- (5 left!)

-Raisin Bread- (1 left!)

-Spiced Orange- (4 left!)

-Strawberries in Chocolate (1 left!)

I will also be getting in a new shipment of NEW scents very shortly. Email me if you have a specific needs.

Here are some Ideas on where candles would be appropriate:

Female gifts
Gift baskets

Open and use unlit in tight spaces like a car for a quick way to freshen the air

NOTE***If you do not email me before purchasing, you will receive a randomly chosen candle. No returns on random candle selections.

****************SHIPPING INFO*******************

Shipped by USPS Mail to confirmed address only.

I do not ship outside the lower 48 States, Sorry.

Payment by PayPal only . We will ship your order out same day if order is placed before 1pm CST Monday through Friday. Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery.

Candle must be paid for immediately upon ordering.If you need a few days, simply email me and we can work something out.

Thanks so much!!!!!

****************SHIPPING INFO*******************

Shipped by USPS Mail to confirmed address


I do not ship outside the lower 48 States, Sorry.

Payment by PayPal only . Allow 7 - 10 days for delivery. We ship the SAME DAY if order is received by 1pm CST.

Candle must be paid for within 24 hours of ordering.

Thank you and God Bless!

A few things to remind you all about!

Hi all,

Just a few announcements to remind my reader of:
1st Pictures, Images and Photos

Home Interior Candles are still on sale for $9.00 plus 4.25 shipping. We have several scents to choose from, just let me know what you want.

next Pictures, Images and Photos

It seems as if babies are popping up all over the place.
In light of this, I am going to start making my diaper cakes again. This is an example of a boy's cake. I can customize to any theme you want, boys, girls, small cake, or large. Inside the diapers, mom will find some "surprises" that she will be sure to love.
For more details, please email me.

Also, if you are needing some quick cash, don't forget about Cashle! Payouts as low as $1.00 to PayPal, and in your account within 24 hours! Sign up bonus available!

Have a great week all!sunflower (mariz) Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hi all,

I found a wonderful explanation of why a certain Pastor is a Baptist. I am going to let this preacher speak for me as well. I can't say it any better!

Why I Am a Baptist

~ By Pastor Dan Ferrell (

I believe that Christians should stop fussing and fighting and unite in one body, one church, and one faith!

"But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against." Acts 28:22.

Have you ever heard the following?... "I just do not believe in denominations, church names, or titles, I am a Christian and I can worship anywhere!" or "I’m a member of the true body of Christ, I don’t believe in organized religion!" or "It doesn’t matter what church you go to as long as you love Jesus and worship God." The various churches in America today are becoming like a hot fudge, strawberry and butterscotch sundae that has been out in the sun too long. This "I’m okay-you’re okay, let’s agree, not worry about doctrine religion today has never done anything for Jesus Christ and never will!

I am a Baptist. If my reasons for being a Baptist are valid–then every child of God should be a Baptist.

Jesus said, "Upon this rock will I build my church." If the Lord’s kind of church is in existence today, where is it?! I want to be a member of the church that is built upon the Rock! I am a Baptist because of the witness of history. John Clark Redpath (1840-1900, Methodist) wrote "I should not really admit that there was a Baptist church as far back as 100 AD, although without a doubt there were Baptist churches then, as all Christians were then Baptist." Robert Barclay (Quaker) "There are also reasons for believing on the continent of Europe, small hidden Christians societies, who have held many of the opinions of the Ana-baptists, have existed from the time of the apostles." (Inner Life of Societies of Commonwealth, pp. 11,12) Alexander Campbell (Disciples of Christ) "From the apostolic age to the present time, the sentiments of Baptists have had a continued chain of advocates, and public monuments of their existence in every century can be produced" (From a debate with McCalla, pp. 378,379).

Whether from our enemies, honest historians or ancient Baptist writings, the historical records and evidence is over whelming–in spite of Roman Catholic confiscation and persecution. Whether you call them Novations, Donatists, Paulicans, Vandois, Waldenses, Lollards, Heretics, Schismatics, Anabaptist, or just plain Baptists, we are the same people. We may be different in detail, but we are equal in essence.

In 1819, the King of Holland appointed Dr. Ypeij, Professor of Theology in the University of Groningen and Rev. J.J. Dermot, Chaplain to the King, both learned men and members of the Dutch Reformed Church, to prepare a history of their church. Here is what they revealed in their authentic volume, published at Breda. "We have now seen that the Baptists, who were formerly called Anabaptists, and in later times, Mennonites, were the original Waldenses, and who, long in the history of the church, received the honor of that origin. On this account the Baptists may be considered as the only Christian community which has stood since the apostles, and, as a Christian society, has preserved pure the doctrine of the gospel through all ages. The perfectly correct, external and internal economy of the Baptist denomination tends to confirm the truth disputed by the Romish Church, that the Reformation, brought about in the sixteenth century, was in the highest degree necessary; and, at the same time, goes to refute the erroneous notion of the Catholics, that their communion is the most ancient." (My Church by J.B. Moody, pp. 311).

Next and most important is the Witness of Scripture. Jesus said in Matt. 16:18 "...and upon this rock (petra), I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The N.T. Church has never ceased to be, nor does it need to be reformed! Again our Lord said to His churches and to every church to follow "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them... Teaching them to observe all things... and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" Matt. 28:19,20.

Either the Jerusalem church must be still going strong–or the Lord’s kind of churches are still carrying out the Great Commission until the trumpet blast! I Cor. 11:24-26 " do shew the Lord’s death till He come." A church ordinance needs a church to observe it till Jesus comes back. Eph. 3:21, "Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end, Amen." The church that is in context here is not a universal invisible Body of Christ, rather a visible ecclesia. Our Lord began an assembled, visible church, purchased her with His blood, and espoused Himself to her saying– "I go to prepare a place for you...I will come again, and receive you unto myself."

Our Lord will to make the mistake of thinking He is espoused to a visible New Testament Rachael, and behold on resurrection morning, He is actually married to a universal invisible Leah!

There is only one true church, one true baptism, and one true Body of Christ. Eph. 4:4,5. Therefore as a Baptist, I will earnestly contend for the faith (which was not restored or imparted again during the Reformation) which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 3.

I am a Baptist because of the Bible Doctrines. Triune God, authority of scriptures, doctrines of grace, diety of Christ, correct ordinances, missions and evangelism, pre-millennialism, holy living, democratic church government, separation of church and state and many more. If a person rattles a chain on one end, and it moves on the other end–it must be linked in between!

I am a Baptist because of the witness of others. Every church started by a man apart from the authority of the Lord’s kind of church, has degenerated into worse heresy. All Protestant churches (including Campbellites, Quakers, and Methodist) are direct or indirect daughters of the immoral Roman church. Cults and modern religious societies have about as much authority to rival the N.T. Church as does an Elvis Presley Fan Club! I belong to a church that is over 1900 years old, arrayed with all of the apostles’ doctrines, esteems Christ as her head, and repudiates the Roman Catholic organization as an imposter and a religious whore! The Lord did not address a letter to the Body of Christ in Asia Minor, rather, seven letters to the seven churches!

I am a Baptist because of the divine witness. Jesus Christ walked sixty miles to be baptized by John the Baptist (not John the immerser) Matt. 3:13-17, the apostles were all baptized by John the Baptist, Jn. 1:35, 4:1, Acts 1:22, and the Lord said that John had the authority from Heaven to baptize, Matt. 21:24-27.

You do not have to be a Baptist to go to heaven, nor to be used of God.

I love Christians of various manmade churches, and I abhor a self-righteous attitude, especially in Baptists. Yet I am not ashamed to be known as an Ana-baptist–and I will not abandon my biblical heritage or principals in order to promote unity in the Family of God!

Yes, I believe and wish that all true Christians would come together into one church. If narrow minded Christians would just accept Bible truth, have a teachable spirit, and submit to scriptural Baptist baptism–we could have unity in the Family of God!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Slain Abortion Provider's Clinic Closes

Hi all,
Just wanted to report some significant news about the Abortion clinic that Dr. Tiller

WICHITA, Kan. (June 9) - The family of slain abortion provider George Tiller said Tuesday that his Wichita clinic will be "permanently closed," effective immediately.
In a statement released by Tiller's attorneys, his family said it is ceasing operation of Women's Health Care Services Inc. and any involvement by family members in any other similar clinic.

I feel so bad for the family who lost a loved one, and I totally condemn the man who opened fire on this doctor, but I praise the Lord that this clinic of horrors is GONE!

No more babies will be snuffed out...No more silent cries of children that may have been...


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